The Importance of Chemical Fume Handling Equipment: Protecting Worker Health and Safety

fume handling equipment - Protection equipment

In a rapidly evolving industrial landscape, the health and safety of workers remain paramount. Western Australia, with its diverse industrial sectors, witnesses the extensive use of chemicals and consequently, the emission of potentially harmful chemical fumes. An efficient chemical fume handling system can mitigate these hazards and promote a safer workplace. 

While there are various options for such systems, plastic chemical fume handling equipment emerges as a superior choice for many reasons. In this article, our expert team at Johndec Engineering Plastics WA delves into the importance of plastic chemical fume handling equipment in protecting worker health and safety. 

Chemical hazards in the workplace 

Workplace environments across various sectors inherently involve the handling and processing of a diverse range of chemicals. As a result, chemical hazards, particularly in the form of harmful fumes, become a routine challenge requiring effective management strategies. 

Industrial sectors and their chemical demands 

Industries such as mining, manufacturing, and renewable energy are frequently faced with the task of managing chemical substances. In mining, it’s commonplace to handle potent chemicals such as sulphuric acid, cyanide, and others. As a result, the mining environments are often susceptible to potential chemical hazards, underlining the importance of efficient fume handling and management. 

Parallel to this, the manufacturing sector extensively employs a broad range of chemicals in their daily operations. The substances used in various production processes often emit fumes that could be harmful to the workers if not properly managed. Similarly, the rapidly emerging renewable energy sector also engages with chemicals. For instance, during the production of solar panels and batteries, various chemical substances are utilised, often leading to the generation of potentially hazardous fumes. 

Managing these diverse chemical hazards effectively is a common thread tying these sectors together. Ensuring the safety and well-being of the workers in these industries necessitates an emphasis on the implementation of robust chemical fume handling procedures. 

Chemical fume risks and health impacts 

Inhaling chemical fumes, a frequent occurrence in several industries, poses considerable health risks to workers. Exposure to these fumes can cause immediate or acute health effects. For instance, the immediate aftermath of exposure might involve symptoms such as headaches and dizziness, which could hamper a worker’s ability to perform tasks accurately and safely. 

Simultaneously, the fumes can trigger eye irritation, making workers uncomfortable and potentially impacting their vision temporarily. In more severe instances, inhalation can lead to respiratory distress, causing difficulty in breathing and potentially escalating into acute conditions such as chemical pneumonitis or pulmonary Edema. 

Long-term impacts: the silent hazards 

Beyond the immediate effects, the long-term impacts of exposure to chemical fumes are of significant concern. Chronic exposure can insidiously lead to severe health conditions that may not manifest immediately, making them more difficult to link directly to chemical exposure and thus harder to prevent and treat. 

One of the most critical long-term effects is the development of various types of cancer. Numerous chemicals used in industrial settings are known carcinogens, and prolonged exposure to their fumes can increase the risk of workers developing this life-threatening disease. 

Neurological disorders are another potential consequence of chronic exposure. Certain chemicals can affect the nervous system, leading to conditions ranging from mild peripheral neuropathy to severe neurodegenerative diseases. Similarly, reproductive health problems can arise, affecting both male and female workers. These can include issues such as infertility, miscarriages, and birth defects in children born to exposed workers. 

Role of chemical fume handling equipment 

Chemical fume handling equipment plays an indispensable role in industrial environments where chemicals are routinely used. Its primary function is to capture, contain, and neutralise hazardous fumes, thus substantially reducing workers’ exposure to them. There are several types of fume-handling equipment, including fume hoods, extraction arms, scrubbers, and air cleaners, each designed for specific applications and types of fumes. 

Fume hoods, for instance, are enclosed workspaces with a ventilation system. They draw air away from the workspace, thereby capturing chemical fumes and preventing them from spreading into the broader work environment. Extraction arms serve a similar purpose but are more flexible and can be used to capture fumes at their source in various settings.  

Scrubbers, on the other hand, serve to neutralise hazardous fumes. They work by passing the fumes through a scrubbing solution that reacts with the harmful substances, rendering them harmless. Lastly, air cleaners help filter the air in a workspace, capturing particles and gases and ensuring the air remains safe to breathe. 

The superiority of plastic in fume-handling equipment 

When it comes to the construction material for fume handling equipment, plastic offers several unique advantages over traditional metal systems. Firstly, plastic fume handling equipment is incredibly resistant to a vast array of chemicals. This characteristic makes plastic equipment less prone to corrosion, a common issue with metal counterparts when dealing with certain corrosive substances. 

In addition, plastic systems are often more lightweight than metal ones, making them easier to install and manoeuvre as needed. They are also generally more cost-effective to produce and maintain, a critical factor for businesses trying to balance safety needs with budget constraints. 

Another key advantage of plastic equipment is its durability and longevity. Given its resistance to corrosion, plastic equipment tends to have a longer usable life than metal alternatives. This durability means businesses will have to replace their fume-handling equipment less frequently, leading to long-term cost savings. 

Furthermore, plastic can be moulded into a wider variety of shapes and sizes than many metals, allowing for more flexibility in designing fume handling systems. This flexibility is beneficial for workplaces with unique spatial constraints or specific fume extraction requirements. 

Regulatory compliance: meeting occupational health and safety standards 

The occupational health and safety regulatory landscape in Western Australia (WA) is known for its strict standards, all aiming to safeguard the health and well-being of workers. These regulations have a particular emphasis on industries dealing with hazardous substances, including the management of chemical fumes, which are considered significant health hazards. 

The WA Work Health and Safety Act, for instance, is a primary legislative framework mandating employer to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, a work environment that is safe and without risks to health. This includes implementing effective control measures to mitigate the risks associated with the use, handling, generation, and storage of hazardous substances. 

Employing effective control measures 

In light of these regulations, employers must utilise effective control measures to manage chemical fume risks. Control measures can take various forms, from substituting a hazardous substance with a less hazardous one to using personal protective equipment. However, one of the most significant control measures is the implementation of efficient chemical fume handling systems. 

The use of plastic chemical fume handling equipment serves as a crucial control measure in this context. Its exceptional ability to capture and neutralise harmful chemical fumes significantly reduces workers’ exposure to these hazards, thereby fulfilling an employer’s obligation to provide a safe work environment. 

The consequences of non-compliance 

Non-compliance with these regulations can lead to serious consequences. Regulatory bodies in WA, like WorkSafe WA, are empowered to issue improvement notices, and failure to comply can result in hefty fines. In extreme cases, where a breach of duty has resulted in serious harm or fatality, employers can face legal action, including criminal charges. 

Moreover, non-compliance with safety standards can lead to significant reputational damage, which could affect customer trust and business relationships. This underlines that compliance is not just a legal necessity but also a crucial aspect of maintaining a business’s reputation and relationship with its employees, clients, and the wider community. 

How Johndec Engineering Plastics WA can help 

As a leading provider of plastic engineering solutions in Western Australia, Johndec Engineering Plastics WA (JEPWA) is uniquely positioned to help businesses meet their chemical fume handling needs. Here’s how: 

Comprehensive solutions 

JEPWA offers an extensive range of plastic chemical fume-handling equipment. Our products include custom-designed fume hoods, extraction arms, scrubbers, and air cleaners, all built to effectively capture, contain, and neutralise harmful fumes. The range of solutions caters to various industry-specific needs, ensuring that businesses can find a system that fits their unique operational requirements. 

Expertise and experience 

With over 40 years of industry experience, JEPWA has developed in-depth knowledge of plastic engineering and the unique challenges of chemical fume management in different industries. This experience allows us to provide expert advice and design solutions tailored to each client’s needs, ensuring optimal protection for workers and compliance with safety standards. 

Quality and durability 

JEPWA’s commitment to quality and durability is evident in our use of high-grade plastics in the manufacturing of our fume-handling equipment. The corrosion-resistant nature of these plastics ensures the longevity of our products, translating to long-term cost savings for businesses. 

Custom design and installation 

Recognising that every workplace has unique needs and constraints, JEPWA offers a custom design service for their fume handling systems. This allows for the creation of solutions tailored to specific spatial constraints and fume extraction requirements. Additionally, we provide professional installation services to ensure the optimal functioning of their systems. 

Regulatory compliance 

JEPWA’s products are designed and manufactured in compliance with Australian standards and the stringent occupational health and safety regulations in WA. This compliance helps businesses meet their legal obligations and avoid potential fines and legal repercussions. 

Training and support 

Understanding that the effective use of fume handling equipment requires proper training, JEPWA offers training services to educate workers on the operation and maintenance of their systems. Furthermore, we provide ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure that their systems continue to function effectively over time. 


In an industrial environment where the handling and processing of chemicals are integral, effective chemical fume handling equipment is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity. Businesses that recognise this and invest in superior solutions, such as the plastic chemical fume handling equipment provided by Johndec Engineering Plastics WA, stand to protect their most valuable asset—their workers. To learn more about how Johndec can assist your business in its chemical fume handling needs, get in touch with our team today.